TAP is an all-breed, non-profit Dog Rescue Organization based in San Diego, Ca. Learn how you can help us right now! >


We apologize for the inconvenience, but our team of volunteers are unable to accept Puppy Party requests at this time. We hope to be up and running again soon!

…Make Any Party Pawfect! Once you book a Puppy Party with us, a team of trained volunteers (Puppy Party Ambassadors) from The Animal Pad will bring puppies to your corporate event, birthday party, wedding and more!* We provide a unique experience filled with joy, laughter, comfort and puppy cuddles. In exchange, we ask for a donation to help us rescue more dogs from the streets and to provide life-saving medical care for dogs in need.

In exchange for your donation, our Puppy Party Ambassadors transport the puppies, all the necessary supplies, and provide a beautiful and relaxing puppy playpen that includes clean turf flooring, a white picket fence, and a canopy to provide shade and protection from the elements.



$1000 Donation


$1000 Donation


$2000 Donation

*Just a reminder, The Animal Pad is a rescue organization and does not deal with breeders. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the availability of puppies at the time of your event. We are unable to verify availability more than 8 weeks prior to event date, and do not travel outside the San Diego area. Puppy availability is subject to change. The Animal Pad is happy to provide additional dates for rescheduling. Pricing subject to change.

We have temporarily disabled our Puppy Party booking request form until we are able to take parties on. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to resume receiving requests soon!